Defining the Sheldon Creek Formation, a Middle Wisconsinan (MIS 3) till in Iowa, USA


Tassier‐Surine STEPHANIE A.1ORCID,Kerr PHILLIP J.1,Kilgore SUSAN M.2,Cramer BRADLEY D.3


1. Iowa Geological Survey University of Iowa Iowa City USA

2. Environmental Studies and Sciences Adelphi University Garden City NY USA

3. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Iowa Iowa City USA


ABSTRACTA pre‐Late Wisconsinan, post‐Illinoian, till sheet has long been recognized in north‐central Iowa, but has not been formally recognized or defined until now. Early researchers referred to these deposits as the ‘Tazewell’, and the term ‘Sheldon Creek’ was more recently used informally by the Iowa Geological Survey in guidebooks and reports. Recent mapping has extended the eastern margin significantly past previous interpretations. The Sheldon Creek Formation has similar lithologic characteristics to the overlying Alden Member of the Dows Formation, and the two units are distinguished mainly by stratigraphic position. Differentiation from underlying Pre‐Illinoian till units is accomplished using lithology, primarily matrix grain‐size and sand fraction lithology. A suite of 22 radiocarbon ages indicate two distinct, separate groupings within the Sheldon Creek data. These data strongly suggest ice advanced south to 42° N twice, once during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and again during late MIS 3 or possibly early MIS 2. The presence of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in northern Iowa during MIS 3 has significant implications for ice sheet reconstructions during this interval.


U.S. Geological Survey



Reference74 articles.

1. The configuration of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets through the Quaternary

2. Bettis III E.A.(1997) Late‐middle and early‐late Wisconsin glaciation in north central Iowa: Geological Society of America North‐Central Section Abstracts with Programs V. 29 (4) p. 5.

3. Bettis IIII E.A. Quade D.J.&Kemmis T.J. (1996) Hogs Bogs and Logs: Quaternary deposits and environmental geology of the Des Moines lobe: Iowa Geological Survey Bureau Guidebook Series No. 18 p170.

4. North American Pleistocene Stages Reconsidered in Light of Probable Pliocene-Pleistocene Continental Glaciation

5. Rapid Laurentide ice-sheet advance towards southern last glacial maximum limit during marine isotope stage 3







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