Statement from the Asia Summit: Current state of arrhythmia care in Asia


Shimizu Wataru1,Kusumoto Fred M.2,Agbayani Michael‐Joseph F.3,Apiyasawat Sirin4,Chen Minglong5,Ching Chi Keong6,Choi Jong‐Il7,Do Van Buu Dan8,Hanafy Dicky A.9,Hurwitz Jodie L.10,Johar Sofian11,Kalman Jonathan M.12,Khan Aamir Hameed H.13,Khmao Pichmanil14,Krahn Andrew D.15,Ngarmukos Tachapong4,Nguyen Son Thai Binh16,Nwe Nwe17,Oh Seil18,Soejima Kyoko19,Stiles Martin K.20,Tsao Hsuan‐Ming21,Tseveendee Saruul22


1. Nippon Medical School Tokyo Japan

2. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, EP and Pacing Services Jacksonville Florida USA

3. Philippine Heart Center Quezon City Philippines

4. Ramathibodi Hospital Bangkok Thailand

5. Jiangsu Province Hospital Nanjing Jiangsu China

6. National Heart Centre Singapore Singapore Singapore

7. Korea University Medical Center Seoul Korea

8. Tam Duc Cardiology Hospital Joint Stock Company Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

9. PJN Harapan Kita Jakarta Indonesia

10. North Texas Heart Center Dallas Texas USA

11. Gleneagles JPMC Kg Kiarong Brunei Darussalam

12. Royal Melbourne Hospital Melbourne Victoria Australia

13. Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Pakistan

14. Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital Phnom Penh Cambodia

15. Division of Cardiology University of British Columbia Vancouver British Columbia Canada

16. FV Hospital Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

17. Yangon General Hospital Yangon Myanmar

18. Seoul National University Hospital Seoul Korea

19. Kyorin University School of Medicine Tokyo Japan

20. Waikato Hospital Hamilton New Zealand

21. National Yang Ming University Hospital Yi‐lan Taiwan

22. National Heart Centre Singapore Ulaanbaatar Mongolia


AbstractOn May 27, 2022, the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society and the Heart Rhythm Society convened a meeting of leaders from different professional societies of healthcare providers committed to arrhythmia care from the Asia Pacific region. The overriding goals of the meeting were to discuss clinical and health policy issues that face each country for providing care for patients with electrophysiologic issues, share experiences and best practices, and discuss potential future solutions. Participants were asked to address a series of questions in preparation for the meeting. The format of the meeting was a series of individual country reports presented by the leaders from each of the professional societies followed by open discussion. The recorded presentations from the Asia Summit can be accessed at‐22. Three major themes arose from the discussion. First, the major clinical problems faced by different countries vary. Although atrial fibrillation is common throughout the region, the most important issues also include more general issues such as hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, tobacco abuse, and management of potentially life‐threatening problems such as sudden cardiac arrest or profound bradycardia. Second, there is significant variability in the access to advanced arrhythmia care throughout the region because of differences in workforce availability, resources, drug availability, and national health policies. Third, collaboration in the area already occurs between individual countries, but no systematic regional method for working together is present.




Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Reference52 articles.

1. Cambridge Dictionary.Asian Pacific.‐pacific. Accessed December 14 2022.

2. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific.Popul Trends. Accessed December 14 2022.

3. Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society. The APHRS White Book.‐aphrs‐white‐book. Accessed December 14 2022.

4. Statista. Accessed December 14 2022.

5. Macrotrends. Accessed December 14 2022.







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