The COVID‐19 era: No longer business as usual


McIntyre‐Mills Janet123ORCID


1. Adjunct Associate Prof at Flinders University, Business Government and Law University of Adelaide Adelaide Australia

2. Visiting Research Fellow, Yunus Social Business Centre, College of Professions, University of Adelaide Adelaide Australia

3. Hon Professor, College of Education, University of South Africa South Africa


AbstractThe paper proposes an alternative cyclical economy based on eco‐villages supporting urban hubs to regenerate rural–urban balance based on public education to support eco‐facturing, to use Gunter Pauli's concept. The paper sketches an alternative cyclical economy based on eco‐villages supporting urban hubs to regenerate rural–urban balance based on eco‐facturing. Australia lost over 40 million acres of habitat and at least a billion creatures during the 2019–2020 bushfire season. Africa and Asia are also rapidly urbanizing and rapidly losing habitat. The paper outlines the way in which we could live differently by understanding that production, consumption and regeneration need to follow a natural ecological approach, rather than the current approach to extracting profit at the expense of future generations. Production and regeneration need to be conducted in ways that do not exploit people and the environment. Exchange practices need to ensure that the interests of the few are not expended at the expense of the many.




Information Systems and Management,Strategy and Management,General Social Sciences

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