1. P.Rathore G.Agnihotri B.Khan andG.Gupta “Transmission pricing scheme under contingency conditions in open access market ”18th IEEE National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) pp.1 6 18–20 December2014.
2. P.Rathore G.Agnihotri B.Khan andG.Gupta “Transmission pricing based on power flow tracing methodology with consideration of system reliability ”IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES) pp.1–6 May2014.
3. A.S.Mishra B.Khan andG.Agnihotri “Embedded cost allocation with Shapley approach using tracing and sensitivity factors to identify coalition cost: A comparative study ”Proceedings of The EE Centenary Conference IISc Bangalore 15–17 December2011.
4. A power flow tracing based method for transmission usage, loss & reliability margin allocation;Khan B.;AASRI Journal Elsevier,2014
5. A cooperative game theory approach for usage and reliability margin cost allocation under contingent restructured market;Khan B.;International Review of Electrical Engineering,2014