1. Adger D.2019.Linguistic representation: a note on terminology vs. ontology available at….:https://ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/004616?_s=HJCyU‐Jh42SAH2Jo&_k=xxn1bUWy_ex1G4yl
2. Brentano F.1874/1995.Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint translated by A.C. Rancurello D.B. Terrell and L. McAlister. 2nd ed. introduction by Peter Simons. London: Routledge…..
3. Origins of Objectivity
4. Chomsky N.1955/75.The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. New York: Plenum Press (the ms. was prepared and circulated in mimeograph in1955–1956 but was not published until 1975 both by Plenum press and by the Univ of Chicago. Only the latter contains an invaluable index).