1. EN 1993-2: 2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 2: Steel bridges.
2. STN EN 1993-2/NA: 2009 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 2: Steel bridges.
3. Chladný , E. Voletz , R. Calculation of internal forces and moments and displacements due to imperfections using second order theory. In: Verification of structural calculations for the river bridge at Dunaújváros by performing independent structural calculations. FÖMTERV Budapest, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mar 2004 (design project - not published).
4. Chladný , E. Voletz , R. Allowance for imperfections in the design of a large-span arched bridge with mutually inclined arches. In: Pięc´dziesiąta Jubileuszowa Konferencja Naukowa KILiW PAN i KN PZITB “Krynica 2004”, Problemy naukowo-badawcze budownictwa, tom V. P. 11-18.
5. Baláž , I. Koleková , I. In Plane Stability of Steel Two Hinged Arch. Proc. of Eurosteel 2011, Budapest, Hungary.