Distribution, abundance, and movements of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Pelagos Sanctuary MPA (north-west Mediterranean Sea)


Gnone Guido1,Bellingeri Michela1,Dhermain Frank2,Dupraz Franck2,Nuti Silvio3,Bedocchi Davide3,Moulins Aurelie4,Rosso Massimiliano4,Alessi Jessica5,McCrea Rachel S.6,Azzellino Arianna,Airoldi Sabina7,Portunato Nicola8,Laran Sophie9,David Lea10,Di Meglio Nathalie10,Bonelli Patrizia11,Montesi Gionata11,Trucchi Roberta12,Fossa Fulvio1,Wurtz Maurizio5


1. Acquario di Genova; Area Porto Antico, Ponte Spinola - 16128; Genova; Italy

2. GECEM, Groupe d'Études des Cétacés en Méditerranée; Marseille; France

3. CE.TU.S, Centro di Ricerche sui Cetacei; Viareggio (LU); Italy

4. Fondazione CIMA; Savona; Italy

5. DIBIO, Dipartimento di Biologia; Università di Genova; Genova; Italy

6. NCSE, National Centre for Statistical Ecology; University of Kent; UK

7. Tethys Research Institute; Milano; Italy

8. NURC, Nato Undersea Research Centre; La Spezia; Italy

9. CRC, Centre de Recherche sur les Cétacés, Marineland; Antibes; France

10. écoOcéan Institut; Montpellier; France

11. Ambiente Mare, Faenza (RA); Italy

12. WWF Liguria; Genova; Italy




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology,Aquatic Science

Reference72 articles.

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