1. UMR PVBMT Université de La RéunionCIRAD Saint‐Denis Cedex 9 La Réunion France
2. UMR ENTROPIE Université de La RéunionIRDCNRS Saint‐Denis Cedex 9 La Réunion France
3. Centre for Ornithology School of Biosciences College of Life & Environmental Sciences University of Birmingham Birmingham UK
4. Army Ornithological Society (AOS) c/o Prince Consort Library Aldershot Hampshire UK
5. Royal Air Force Ornithological Society (RAFOS) Royal Air Force Headquarters Buckinghamshire UK
6. Department of Ecology and Conservation Biocentre Grindel University of Hamburg Hamburg Germany
7. Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé CEBC‐CNRS Villiers‐en‐Bois France
8. School of Biological Sciences and Department of Statistics University of Auckland Auckland New Zealand
9. UMR PIMIT CNRS INSERM IRD Université de La RéunionPlateforme Technologique CYROI Sainte‐Clotilde La Réunion France
10. Parc National de La Réunion La Plaine des Palmistes La Réunion France
11. Société d'Etudes Ornithologiques de La Réunion (SEOR) Saint André La Réunion France
12. Centre National de Recherches Océanographiques (CNRO) Nosy Be Madagascar
13. Mauritian Wildlife Foundation Vacoas Mauritius
14. GEPOMAY M'tsangamouji Mayotte France
15. Island Conservation Society Mahé Seychelles
16. Island Biodiversity and Conservation centre University of Seychelles Mahé Seychelles
17. Bermuda Zoological Society Flatts Bermuda
18. Nature SeychellesThe Center for Environment and Education Mahé Seychelles
19. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) Rio Grande Brazil