1. Nagios: The Industry Standard. IT Infrastructure Monitoring: (Available from:http://www.nagios.org/[August 19 2011]).
2. The ganglia distributed monitoring system: design, implementation, and experience;Matthew L;Parallel Computing,2004
3. Cacti: The Complete RRDTool‐based Graphing Solution. (Available from:http://www.cacti.net/[August 19 2011]).
4. SmallenS OlschanowskyC EricsonK BeckmanP SchopfJ.The Inca test harness and reporting framework Proceedings of Supercomputing Pittsburg PA 2004;55–64. See also:Inca.http://inca.sdsc.edu[September 1 2011].
5. Hawkeye: A Monitoring and Management Tool for Distributed Systems. (Available from:http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/hawkeye/[August 19 2011]).