1. Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Engesserstr. 20 Karlsruhe 76131 Germany
2. Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Hermann‐von‐Helmholtz‐Platz 1 Eggenstein‐Leopoldshafen 76344 Germany
3. Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen PSI 5232 Switzerland
4. Deutsches Elektronen‐Synchrotron DESY Notkestrasse 85 Hamburg 22607 Germany
5. Institute of Chemical Technology Universität Leipzig Linnéstraße 3 Leipzig 04103 Germany
6. MAX IV Laboratory Fotongatan 2 Lund 225 94 Sweden
7. Centre for X‐ray and Nano Science (CXNS) Deutsches Elektronen‐Synchrotron DESY Notkestrasse 85 Hamburg 22607 Germany
8. Physics Department University of Hamburg Hamburg 20355 Germany