Surface‐Mediated Spin Locking and Thermal Unlocking in a 2D Molecular Array


Cojocariu Iulia123ORCID,Windischbacher Andreas4ORCID,Baranowski Daniel1ORCID,Jugovac Matteo12ORCID,Ferreira Rodrigo Cezar de Campos5ORCID,Doležal Jiří5ORCID,Švec Martin5ORCID,Zamalloa‐Serrano Jorge Manuel6ORCID,Tormen Massimo7ORCID,Schio Luca7ORCID,Floreano Luca7ORCID,Dreiser Jan8ORCID,Puschnig Peter4ORCID,Feyer Vitaliy19,Schneider Claus M.1910


1. Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI‐6) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 52428 Jülich Germany

2. Elettra‐Sincrotrone S.C.p.A, S.S. 14 – km 163.5 Trieste 34149 Italy

3. Dipartimento di Fisica Università degli Studi di Trieste via A. Valerio 2 Trieste 34127 Italy

4. Institute of Physics University of Graz NAWI Graz, Universitätsplatz 5 Graz 8010 Austria

5. Institute of Physics Czech Academy of Sciences Cukrovarnická 10/112 Praha 6 CZ 16200 Czech Republic

6. ESISNA Group Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM‐CSIC) Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 3 Madrid 28049 Spain

7. CNR‐IOM Lab. TASC S.S. 14km 163,5 Trieste 34149 Italy

8. Swiss Light Source Paul Scherrer Institut CH‐5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland

9. Faculty of Physics and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg‐Essen (CENIDE) University of Duisburg‐Essen D‐47048 Duisburg Germany

10. Department of Physics and Astronomy UC Davis Davis CA 95616 USA


AbstractMolecule‐based functional devices may take advantage of surface‐mediated spin state bistability. Whereas different spin states in conventional spin crossover complexes are only accessible at temperatures well below room temperature, and the lifetimes of the high‐spin state are relatively short, a different behavior exhibited by prototypical nickel phthalocyanine is shown here. Direct interaction of the organometallic complex with a copper metal electrode mediates the coexistence of a high spin and a low spin state within the 2D molecular array. The spin state bistability is extremely non‐volatile, since no external stimuli are required to preserve it. It originates from the surface‐induced axial displacement of the functional nickel cores, which generates two stable local minima. Spin state unlocking and the full conversion to the low spin state are only possible by a high temperature stimulus. This spin state transition is accompanied by distinct changes in the molecular electronic structure that might facilitate the state readout at room temperature, as evidenced by valence spectroscopy. The non‐volatility of the high spin state up to elevated temperatures and the controllable spin bistability render the system extremely intriguing for applications in molecule‐based information storage devices.




General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),General Materials Science,General Chemical Engineering,Medicine (miscellaneous)

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