1. BioAnalytical Chemistry and Nanobiomedicine Laboratory Department of Biochemical Science and Technology National Taiwan University 10617 Taipei Taiwan
2. Department of Urology Taichung Veterans General Hospital 40705 Taichung Taiwan
3. Department of Chemistry National Tsing Hua University 300044 Hsinchu Taiwan
4. Instrumentation Center National Taiwan University 10617 Taipei Taiwan
5. Department of Chemistry National Taiwan University 10617 Taipei Taiwan
6. Frontier Research Center on Fundamental and Applied Sciences of Matters National Tsing Hua University 300044 Hsinchu Taiwan
7. Department of Applied Chemistry National Chi Nan University Puli Nantou 54561 Taiwan
8. Center for Emerging Materials and Advance Devices National Taiwan University 10617 Taipei Taiwan
9. Center for Biotechnology National Taiwan University 10617 Taipei Taiwan