1. Department of Biomedical Engineering Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD 21205 USA
2. Department of Neurology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD 21287 USA
3. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Johns Hopkins University Baltimore MD 21218 USA
4. Center for Language and Speech Processing Johns Hopkins University Baltimore MD 21218 USA
5. Research and Exploratory Development Department Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Laurel MD 20723 USA
6. Department of Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD 21205 USA
7. Department of Otolaryngology‐Head and Neck Surgery Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD 21205 USA
8. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD 21205 USA
9. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery UMC Utrecht Brain Center Utrecht 3584 The Netherlands