Unraveling Ros Conversion Through Enhanced Enzyme‐Like Activity with Copper‐Doped Cerium Oxide for Tumor Nanocatalytic Therapy


Gu Zhengxiang1,Zhong Dan1,Hou Xingyu1,Wei Xuelian1,Liu Caikun2,Zhang Yechuan3,Duan Zhenyu1,Gu Zhongwei1,Gong Qiyong14,Luo Kui14ORCID


1. Department of Radiology Huaxi MR Research Center (HMRRC) Frontiers Science Center for Disease‐Related Molecular Network State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy West China Hospital Sichuan University Chengdu 610041 China

2. National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials Sichuan University 29 Wangjiang Road Chengdu 610064 China

3. School of Chemistry and Materials Science Nanjing Normal University Nanjing 210023 China

4. Functional and molecular imaging Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province and Research Unit of Psychoradiology Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Chengdu 610041 China


AbstractNanozyme catalytic therapy for cancer treatments has become one of the heated topics, and the therapeutic efficacy is highly correlated with their catalytic efficiency. In this work, three copper‐doped CeO2 supports with various structures as well as crystal facets are developed to realize dual enzyme‐mimic catalytic activities, that is superoxide dismutase (SOD) to reduce superoxide radicals to H2O2 and peroxidase (POD) to transform H2O2 to ∙OH. The wire‐shaped CeO2/Cu‐W has the richest surface oxygen vacancies, and a low level of oxygen vacancy (Vo) formation energy, which allows for the elimination of intracellular reactive oxygen spieces (ROS) and continuous transformation to ∙OH with cascade reaction. Moreover, the wire‐shaped CeO2/Cu‐W displays the highest toxic ∙OH production capacity in an acidic intracellular environment, inducing breast cancer cell death and pro‐apoptotic autophagy. Therefore, wire‐shaped CeO2/Cu nanoparticles as an artificial enzyme system can have great potential in the intervention of intracellular ROS in cancer cells, achieving efficacious nanocatalytic therapy.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

West China Hospital, Sichuan University

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities




General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),General Materials Science,General Chemical Engineering,Medicine (miscellaneous)








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