A landmark‐free analysis of the pelvic girdle in Sulawesi ricefishes (Adrianichthyidae): How 2D and 3D geometric morphometrics can complement each other in the analysis of a complex structure


Spanke Tobias1ORCID,Gabelaia Mariam1,Flury Jana M.12,Hilgers Leon13,Wantania Letha Louisiana14,Misof Bernhard1,Wipfler Benjamin1,Wowor Daisy5,Mokodongan Daniel F.5,Herder Fabian1,Schwarzer Julia1


1. Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB) Museum Koenig Bonn Bonn Germany

2. Department of Environmental Sciences University of Basel Basel Switzerland

3. LOEWE‐Zentrum für Translationale Biodiversitätsgenomik Frankfurt Germany

4. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Sam Ratulangi University Manado Indonesia

5. Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Research Center for Biosystematics and Evolution National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Cibinong Indonesia


AbstractGeometric morphometrics (GM) enable the quantification of morphological variation on various scales. Recent technical advances allow analyzing complex three‐dimensional shapes also in cases where landmark‐based approaches are not appropriate. Pelvic girdle bones (basipterygia) of Sulawesi ricefishes are 3D structures that challenge traditional morphometrics. We hypothesize that the pelvic girdle of ricefishes experienced sex‐biased selection pressures in species where females provide brood care by carrying fertilized eggs supported by elongated pelvic fins (“pelvic brooding”). We test this by comparing pelvic bone shapes of both sexes in species exhibiting pelvic brooding and the more common reproductive strategy “transfer brooding,” by using landmark‐free 2D and 3D GM, as well as qualitative shape descriptions. Both landmark‐free approaches revealed significant interspecific pelvic bone variation in the lateral process, medial facing side of the pelvic bone, and overall external and internal wing shape. Within pelvic brooders, the three analyzed species are clearly distinct, while pelvic bones of the genus Adrianichthys are more similar to transfer brooding Oryzias. Female pelvic brooding Oryzias exhibit prominent, medially pointing tips extending from the internal wing and basipterygial plate that are reduced or absent in conspecific males, Adrianichthys and transfer brooding Oryzias, supporting our hypothesis that selection pressures affecting pelvic girdle shape are sex‐biased in Sulawesi ricefishes. Furthermore, both sexes of pelvic brooding Oryzias have overall larger pelvic bones than other investigated ricefishes. Based on these differences, we characterized two reproductive strategy‐ and sex‐dependent pelvic girdle types for Sulawesi ricefishes. Morphological differences between the investigated pelvic brooding genera Adrianichthys and Oryzias provide additional evidence for two independent origins of pelvic brooding. Overall, our findings add to a better understanding on traits related to pelvic brooding in ricefishes and provide a basis for upcoming studies on pelvic girdle function and morphology.






Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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