1. Multidisciplinary Pain Centre; Department of Neuroanaesthesiology; Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital; Copenhagen Denmark
2. Department of Oncology; Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital; Copenhagen Denmark
3. National Institute of Public Health; University of Southern Denmark; Copenhagen Denmark
4. Department of Oncology; Oslo University Hospital/University of Oslo; Norway
5. European Palliative Care Research Centre; Faculty of Medicine Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Trondheim Norway
6. Department of Intensive Care Medicine; St Olavs Hospital; Trondheim University Hospital; Trondheim Norway
7. Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Norway
8. Department of Laboratory Medicine; Children's and Women's Health; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Trondheim Norway
9. Section of Palliative Medicine; Department of Oncology; Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital; Copenhagen Denmark
10. Department of Clinical Medicine; Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences; University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Denmark