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2. P. Coursol J. Coté F. Laflamme P. Thibault A. Blais D. Lavoie S. Gosselin The transition strategy at Alouette towards higher productivity with a lower energy consumption (Light Metals 2012, 591-594)
3. C. Richard P. Desrosiers L. Lefrançois B. Gaudreault The Alcan's P155 smelters now operating at 195kA, A successful assets optimization strategy (Light Metals 2008, 267-270)
4. E.W. Andrews T. Martin J. Parkes J. Camire AP24 Trial and Implementation at Tomago Aluminium (10 th Australasian Aluminium Smelting Technology Conference and Workshop, 2011)
5. M. Bugge H. Haakonsen O. Kobbeltvedt K.A. Paulsen High Amperage operation of AP18 pots at Karmoy (Light Metals 2011, 415-419)