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2. F. A. Sergerie N. B. Bryson Reduction of ingot bottom “bowing and bumping” in large sheet ingot casting. In Light Metals , pages 587-590, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, USA, 1974
3. H. Yu A process to reduce DC ingot butt curl and swell. In K. J. McMinn, editor, Light Metals , pages 613-628, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1980
4. W. Droste W. Schneider Einfluß der Angießbedindungen auf die Fußgeometrie bei Aluminiumwalzbarren. In Edgar Lossack, editor, Strangießen , pages 143-158, Deutsche Gesellshaft für Materialkunde, Oberursel, Germany, 1991
5. W. Schneider E. K. Jensen B. Carrupt Development of a new starting block shape for d.c. casting of aluminium sheet ingots. Parti: Experimental results. In Light Metals , 1995. (This volume)