1. C.C. Cook G.R. Swany “Evolution of Fluoride Recovery Processes in Alcoa Smelters”, Light Metals, 1971, pp. 465-478, AIME
2. H.W. Schmidt “Flexibility of the Fluid-Bed Calciner Process in View of Chanding Demands in the Alumina Market”, Jounals of Metals, Feb. 1980
3. L. Reh “Application of Circulating Fluid Bed Calciners in Large-size Alumina Plants”, Light Metals, 1973, pp. 519-532, AIME
4. E.W. Lussky “Experience with Operation of the Alcoa Fluid Flash Calciner”, Light Metals, 1980, pp. 69-79, AIME
5. B.E. Raahauge “Industrial Prospects and Operational Experience with 32 mtpd stationary Alumina Calciner”, Light Metals, 1980, pp. 81-101, AIME