1. Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science; Charles University; Benátská 2 CZ12800 Praha Czech Republic
2. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Brown University; 34 Olive Street, Box G-B225 Providence Rhode Island 02912 USA
3. Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology; Institute of Microbiology of the CAS; Vídeňská 1083 CZ14220 Praha Czech Republic
4. Biology Center, Institute of Entomology; Czech Academy of Science; Branisovska 31 Ceske Budejovice CZ 370C5 Czech Republic
5. Zoology Department; University of South Bohemia; Branisovska 31a Ceske Budejovice CZ 370C5 Czech Republic
6. New Guinea Binatang Research Center; PO Box 604 Madang Papua New Guinea
7. Biology Center, Institute of Soil Biology & SoWa; Czech Academy of Science; Na Sadkach 7 Ceske Budejovice CZ 370C5 Czech Republic
8. Environmental Centre; Charles University; Jose Martiho 2 CZ16000 Praha Czech Republic