1. Second Exit and the Fire-resistance of Structures as Fundamental Problems of Structural Fire Protection. Tiedoitus 117. Technical Research Centre of Finland: Helsinki, 1953; 40 p (in Finnish).
2. National Building Code of Finland. Part E1. Fire Safety of Buildings. Finnish Ministry of the Environment: Helsinki, 1997.
3. Fire Safe Wooden Buildings: State of the Art and Guidance for Timber Frame Building Constructions in the Nordic Countries. Publication no. 9908034. Trätek-Swedish Institute for Wood Technology Research: Stockholm, 1999; 75 p (In Swedish).
4. Fire Performance of Exterior Claddings. BRANZ Report FCR 1. Building Research Association of New Zealand: Judgeford, 2000; 79 p.
5. Fire Tests with Light Non-bearing External Walls. Meddelande 124. Swedish National Testing and Research Institute: Stockholm, 1958; 22 p. (in Swedish).