1. Virology Unit, Department of Translational Medicine University of Piemonte Orientale Novara Italy
2. Viral Pathogenesis Unit, Department of Public Health and Pediatric Sciences University of Turin Turin Italy
3. CAAD‐Center for Translational Research on Autoimmune and Allergic Disease, University of Piemonte Orientale Novara Italy
4. Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco University of Milan Milan Italy
5. Division of Internal and Emergency Medicine, Department of Translational Medicine University of Piemonte Orientale and “Maggiore della Carità” Hospital Novara Italy
6. Unit of Microbiology and Virology, Department of Laboratory Medicine "Maggiore della Carità" Hospital Novara Italy
7. Division of Oncology, Department of Translational Medicine University of Piemonte Orientale and “Maggiore della Carità” Hospital Novara Italy