1. & “The Status of Pre-College Science. Mathematics, and Social Science Education: 1955–1975. Volume 1: Science Education.” Report to the National Science Foundation on Contract No. C7620627. Center for Science and Mathematics Education, The Ohio State University, 1977. Available from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). Washington, D.C. 20402, -038-000-00326-3. 4.25.
2. & “Case Studies in Science Education.” Report to the National Science Foundation on Contract No. C7621134. Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation and Committee on Culture and Cognition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 1978. Available from U.S. GPO “Volume I: The Case Report,” -038-000-00377-1, 7.25; “Volume II: Design, Overview and General Findings,” -038-000-00376-3, 6.50; NTIS,* total set, -PB282840, 76.75.
3. & “The Status of Pre-College Science, Mathematics, and Social Science Education: 1955–1975. Volume II: Mathematics Education.” Report to the National Science Foundation on Contract No. C7620627. Center for Science and Mathematics Education, The Ohio State University, 1977. Available from U.S.CPO, -038-000-00371-2, 4.50.
4. “Report of the 1977 National Survey of Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies Education.” Report to the National Science Foundation on Contract No. C7619848. Center for Educational Research and Evaluation, Research Triangle Institute, March 1978. Available from U.S. GPO, -038-000-00364-0, 6.50.
5. “The Status of Pre-College Science, Mathematics, and Social Science Education: 1955-1975. Volume III: Social Science Education.” Social Science Education Consortium, Inc., 1977. Report to the National Science Foundation on Contract No. C7620627. Available from U.S. GPO, -038-000-00363-1, 6.25.