1. Thermal Response of Bridgewires used in Electroexplosive Devices
2. ?Electrothermal Equations for Electroexplosives Devices,? NAVORD Report 6684, U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Silver Spring (1959).
3. and ?Electrothermal Characteristics of Electroexplosive Devices?, 7th Symposium on Explosives and Pyrotechnics, Franklin Research Institute, Philadelphia (1971).
4. and ?Experimental and Theoretical Investigation into the Thermal Response of an EED? 12th Symposium on Explosives and Pyrotechnics, San Diego, Franklin Research Institute, Philadelphia (1984).
5. and ?Thermische gedrag van de T7-ontsteker?, PML 1986-50, Prins Maurits Laboratorium, Rijswijk (1986).