1. ?Shock Initiation Sensitivity of HNS,? 6th Symposium (International) on Detonation, San Diego, CA, August 24, 1976 [Proc.], p. 62.
2. and ?New Booster Explosive LX-15 (RX-28),? Tec. Rep. UCRL-52157, March, 1977.
3. The Initiation Threshold Sensitivity of HNS Explosive as a Function of its Grain Size
4. and ?Shock Initiation of HNAB by Electrically-Driven Flyer Plates,? 8th Symposium (International) on Detonation, Albuquerque, NM, July 15, 1985 [Proc.], p. 1126.
5. Measurement of Shock Initiation Threshold of HNAB by flyer plate impact