1. ?Combustion Mechanism of Azide Polymer (II)?: Combustion Performance and Burning Rate Characteristics of GAP Propellants, TRDI Technical Report, Japan Defense Agency (1988).
2. and ?Burning Rate Characteristics of GAP Propellants?, AIAA-Paper No. 88-3251 (1988).
3. ?GAP Propellant for Gas Generator Application?, AIAA Paper No. 87-1725 (1987).
4. ?The Nature of the Chemical Bond,? 3rd Ed., Cornell University Press, New York 1960, p. 85.
5. and ?The Mechanism of Super-Rate Burning of Catalyzed Double Base Propellants?, Report No. AMS 1087, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, Princeton University, March 1973, or AD-763786.