1. Quoted by James Murphy in his introduction toWhere is Science Going? by Max Planck (1933 reprinted by Oxbow Press Connecticut 1981). S → P:You made arable a vast new ground Wherein I here and there a sprig of flowers found.P → S:What you have picked what I have picked These we will bind together Entwining thus a fair bouquet From gifts we send each other
2. O.Stern inLes Prix Nobel en 1946(Imprimerie Royale Norstedt & Soner Stockholm 1948) p. 123‐130
3. I.EstermanninRecent Research in Molecular Beams: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Otto Stern Ed. I. Estermann (Academic Press New York 1959)
4. History of molecular beam research: Personal reminiscences of the important evolutionary period 1919–1933