1. ‘New type of transformerless high efficiency inverter’, Proc. 3rd International photovoltaic solar energy conference, Cannes, 1980, pp. 1072.
2. and ‘The development of a light weight modular, sinewave inverter system eleminating common control and low frequency transformation’, Third international telecommunication energy conference, Lancaster, 1980, No. 196, pp. 150–155.
3. and ‘Reverse energy transfer through an AC line synchronized pulse width modulated sinewave inverter’, Third international telecommunication energy conference, Lancaster, 1981, No. 196, pp. 126–131.
4. and ‘High power transistor inverters for AC drives’, 2nd international conference on power electronics, power semiconductors and their applications, Sept. 1977, pp. 41–44.
5. ‘High voltage, high power transistor inverters’, 2nd international conference on power electronics, power semiconductors and their applications, Sept. 1977.