1. Space Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences Graz Austria
2. Earth Physics Department St. Petersburg State University St. Petersburg Russia
3. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics and Earth and Space Sciences Department University of California Los Angeles California USA
4. Goddard Space Flight Center NASA College Park Maryland USA
5. Denali Scientific Healy Alaska USA
6. Southwest Research Institute San Antonio Texas USA
7. University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio TX USA
8. Physics Department University of New Hampshire Durham New Hampshire USA
9. Applied Physics Laboratory The Johns Hopkins University Laurel Maryland USA
10. Space and Plasma Physics Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden
11. Swedish Institute of Space Physics Uppsala Sweden
12. University of Colorado Boulder Colorado USA
13. NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Boulder Colorado USA
14. Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan USA
15. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Toulouse France
16. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville Alabama USA
17. JAXA Institute for Space and Astronautical Science Sagamihara Japan