A report of two cases with successful oocyte retrieval after wrongly earlier injection of ovulation induction trigger: Case report


Kabodmehri Roya1,Sharami Seyedeh Hajar1,Ghanami Gashti Nasrin1,Hadi Bahadori Mohammad2,Zahiri Sorouri Ziba13ORCID


1. Reproductive Health Research Center, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Al‐zahra Hospital, School of Medicine Guilan University of Medical Sciences Rasht Iran

2. Cellular and Molecular Research Center, School of Medicine Guilan University of Medical Sciences Rasht Iran

3. Mehr Fertility Research Center Guilan University of Medical Sciences Rasht Iran


AbstractOocyte maturation is induced by trigger administration and is acritical step in the success of assisted reproductive technology (ART)treatment. The ideal time interval between trigger administration and oocyte retrieval varies in the literature. Extremely short or long time intervals are both knownto cause unfavorable outcomes in oocyte collection. Accurate control over theinterval between trigger injection and oocyte retrieval is very important forwomen undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), to avoid unexpected premature ovulation.In this report, we present two infertile women who mistakenly injected the triggering dose of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) 12 h earlier. Case 1 and case 2 were 23 and 30 years old, respectively. Therewas no intervention to prevent pre‐operative ovulation, and oocyte retrievalhas been done 48–50 h after trigger injection. oocytes and embryos quality wereacceptable.In conclusion, in patients who have the wrong trigger injection, oocyte retrieval is recommended after consulting the patient about theadvantages and disadvantages of the oocyte retrieval operation.




General Medicine








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