Updating the CSIC Reaction (2003–2020)


Dobrydnev Alexey V.12ORCID,Marco‐Contelles José3ORCID


1. Enamine Ltd (www.enamine.net) Chervonotkatska Street 78 Kyiv 02660 Ukraine

2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Lva Tolstoho Street 12 01033 Kyiv Ukraine

3. Laboratory of Free Radicals IQOG, CSIC C/Juan de la Cierva, 3 28006 Madrid Spain


Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine




Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Reference114 articles.

1. Chemistry of Sulfonate‐ and Sulfonamide‐Stabilized Carbanions − The CSIC Reactions

2. By happy and fortunate coincidence “CSIC” abbreviation stands for the Spanish capital words initials of “ConsejoSuperior deInvestigacionesCientìficas” or Spanish National Research Council in one of its centers the “Institute of General Organic Chemistry” one of us (J.-L. M.) has carried out most of his scientific career since 1980. To make short a long story it is worth to explain here what CSIC is as described in its web page (https://www.csic.es) as follows: “At the beginning of 1938 in the midst of the Spanish Civil War Franco's government announced the abolition of the Committee for Extension of Studies and Scientific Research and the transfer of the majority of its competences to the Institute of Spain. A few months later in 1939 the project was redefined due to the creation of the Spanish National Research Council which assumed the venues and the competences of the JAE. In 1942 the first change was introduced in the Founding Act which established the collaboration system with universities and allowed the creation of joint centers with them. In 1945 it was approved the creation of the first vacancies for research and support staff employed by the CSIC. The Spanish National Research Council is the main delivery agent of the Spanish System for Science Technology and Innovation; and in order to carry out its mission it has competences to carry out activities aimed at the generation of knowledge through scientific and technical research transfer of results from research specially to boost and create technology-based enterprises expert advice provided to public and private institutions highly-qualified pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training promotion of scientific culture in society management of large facilities and unique scientific and technical infrastructures presence and representation in international bodies and the development of targeted research”.

3. Very interestingly French-like CSIC public institution called CNRS (“Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique”) has also itsCN(R S) methodsin organic chemistry developed by Dr. H. P. Hussonet al. at the ICSN (Gif-sur-Yvette France) in some papers such as:

4. Asymmetric Synthesis IX1: Preparation of Chiral α-Substituted Phenethylamines

5. Asymmetric synthesis IV. Preparation of chiral α-aminonitriles from a new N-cyanomethyl-1,3-oxazolidine synthon

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