1. Laboratory of Functional Organic Materials and Devices; Eindhoven University of Technology; Eindhoven MB 5600 The Netherlands
2. DSM Dyneema, Urmonderbaan 22; Geleen 6167RD The Netherlands
3. Université De Lyon, Univ. Lyon 1, CPE Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5265 Laboratoire De Chimie Catalyse Polymères Et Procédés (C2P2) LCPP Team, Bat 308F, 43 Bd Du 11 Novembre 1918; Villeurbanne F-69616 France
4. DSM Materials Science Center, Polyolefin Technology and Catalysis Group, Urmonderbaan 22; Geleen 6167RD The Netherlands
5. School of Engineering and Materials Science; Queen Mary, University of London; London E1 4NS UK