1. Issues Concerning the Light-duty Diesel, Department of Energy, Washington DC (September 1979).
2. , , , and , Characterization of diesel exhaust particulate under different engine load conditions. Paper No 78-33.5, 71st Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Houston, Texas (25–30 June 1978).
3. and , Particle size variation in diesel car exhaust. Society of Automotive Engineers Paper 790421 (February 1979).
4. , , , , , , and , Application of bioassay to the characterization of diesel particle emissions. Reprinted from: Application of short-term bioassays in the fractionation and analyais of complex environmental mixtures, EPA-600/9-78-027, ed. by M. D. Waters, S. Nesnow, J. L. Huisingh, S. S. Sandhu and L. Claxton, Health Effects Research Lab., USEPA (September 1978).
5. and , Measurements of diesel exhaust particle size distributions. ASME Publication 75-WA/APC-5.