1. (ed.), Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 61st Edn, Cleveland Ohio Chemical Rubber Co. (1980 –81).
2. The regional distribution of cadmium in England and Wales. Unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of London (1976). Cited by P. J. Peterson and B. T. Alloway in Ref. 98.
3. The effect of superphosphate on the cadmium content of soils and plants
4. The bioinorganic chemistry of cadmium. In The Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology of Cadmium, ed. by Elsevier, North-Holland (1979).
5. The technical use of cadmium. In Ullmann's Enzyklopoidie der Technischen Chemie, Vol. 9, 4th Edn, Weinheim Verlag (1979).