1. Marine Benthic Ecology, Biogeochemistry and In situ Technology Research Group, The Lyell Centre for Earth and Marine Science and TechnologyHeriot‐Watt University Edinburgh United Kingdom
2. Department of OceanographyUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu Hawaii
3. Joint Genome Institute Walnut Creek California
4. Center for Microbial Oceanography and Education (CMORE)University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu Hawaii
5. Department of BiologyLund University Lund Sweden
6. Flathead Lake Biological StationUniversity of Montana Polson Montana
7. Biology DepartmentWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole Massachusetts
8. Department of Estuarine and Delta SystemsRoyal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ‐Yerseke), Utrecht University Yerseke The Netherlands
9. National Oceanography CentreUniversity of Southampton Waterfront Campus Southampton United Kingdom