1. Kinetics of plasticizer migration between nitrocellulose and ethylcellulose in double-base propellant systems
2. & , Aprpl. contract No. FO4611-78-C-0027. Apr.-Dec. 1979, Thiokol Corporation. Huntaville. AL. USA. AFRPL-TR-79–91, Dec. 1979.
3. & , Personnel communication C.A. 85,159 303 E, 1976 and US, NTIS Space AB Repl 1976, Ad-A 021936 AVAIL NTIS from Govt. Ref. AVU. Index US. L. A. Dee, Personal Communication, AFRPL-TM-78-5 May 1978. Edwards Air Force Base, CA 93527, USA.
4. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry. English Language Book Society, London, UK, 1986. p. 137.