MEMOR: A database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium


De Groote Isabelle1ORCID,Van de Vijver Katrien2,Veselka Barbara34,De Potter Pieterjan1,Massagé Liesbeth1,Van der Dooren Lien5,Vandenborre Jeroen5,Larmuseau Maarten H. D.67,Danckers Jonas8,Robberechts Bart9


1. Department of Archaeology, ArcheOs: Research Laboratory for Biological Anthropology Ghent University Ghent Belgium

2. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Brussels Belgium

3. Multidisciplinary Archaeology Research Institute, Department of Art Sciences and Archaeology Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels Belgium

4. Analytical, Environmental, and Geo‐Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels Belgium

5. BAAC Assenede Belgium

6. KU Leuven Research & Development Division archeoWorks Leuven Belgium

7. KU Leuven, Laboratory of Human Genetic Genealogy Department of Human Genetics Leuven Belgium

8. UAntwerpen, ARCHES | Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences Antwerp Belgium

9. PARCUM, Museum and Centre of Expertise for Religious Art and Culture Leuven Belgium


AbstractThe aim of this article is to describe a newly created open access database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium. The MEMOR database ( was created to provide an overview of the current practices of loans, reburial, and the research potential of human skeletons from archeological sites currently stored in Flanders. In addition, the project aimed to provide a legal and ethical framework for the handling of human remains and was created around stakeholder involvement from anthropologists, geneticists, contract archeologists, the local, regional and national government agencies, local and national government, universities, and representatives of the major religions. The project has resulted in the creation of a rich database with many collections available for study. The database was created using the open‐source Arches data management platform that is freely available for organizations worldwide to configure in accordance with their individual needs and without restrictions on its use. Each collection is linked to information about the excavation and the site the remains originate from, its size and time period. In addition, a research potential tab reveals whether any analyses were performed, and whether excavation notes are available with the assemblage. The database currently contains 742 collections, ranging in size from 1 to over 1000 individuals. New collections will continue to be added when new assemblages are excavated and studied. The database can also be expanded to include human remains collections from other regions and other material categories, such as archaeozoological collections.





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4. The Arches heritage inventory and management system: a platform for the heritage field

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