1. Department of Archaeology, ArcheOs: Research Laboratory for Biological Anthropology Ghent University Ghent Belgium
2. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Brussels Belgium
3. Multidisciplinary Archaeology Research Institute, Department of Art Sciences and Archaeology Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels Belgium
4. Analytical, Environmental, and Geo‐Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels Belgium
5. BAAC Assenede Belgium
6. KU Leuven Research & Development Division archeoWorks Leuven Belgium
7. KU Leuven, Laboratory of Human Genetic Genealogy Department of Human Genetics Leuven Belgium
8. UAntwerpen, ARCHES | Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences Antwerp Belgium
9. PARCUM, Museum and Centre of Expertise for Religious Art and Culture Leuven Belgium