Toward better targeting of mitigation measures for reducing phosphorus losses from land to water: Andrew Sharpley's legacy in Norway and Sweden


Liu Jian1ORCID,Djodjic Faruk2ORCID,Ulén Barbro3,Aronsson Helena3,Bechmann Marianne1,Bergström Lars3,Krogstad Tore4,Kyllmar Katarina3


1. Department of Soil and Land Use Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research Ås Norway

2. Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala Sweden

3. Department of Soil and Environment Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala Sweden

4. Faculty of Environmental Science and Natural Resource Management Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ås Norway


AbstractNordic agriculture faces big challenges to reduce phosphorus (P) loss from land to water for improving surface water quality. While understanding the processes controlling P loss and seeking for P mitigation measures, Norwegian and Swedish researchers have substantially benefited from and been inspired by Dr. Andrew Sharpley's career‐long, high‐standard P research. Here, we demonstrate how Sharpley and his research have helped the Nordic researchers to understand the role of cover crops in cold environmental conditions, best manure P management practices, and ditch processes. His work on critical source area (CSA) identification and site assessment tool development have also greatly inspired our thinking on the targeting of mitigation measures and the contextualizing tools for Nordic climate, landscape, and soils. While reflecting on Sharpley's legacy, we identify several needs for Norwegian and Swedish P research and management. These include (1) tackling the challenges caused by local/regional unevenness in livestock density and related manure management and farm P surpluses, (2) identifying CSAs of P loss with high erosion risk and high P surplus, (3) obtaining more high‐resolution mapping of soils with low P sorption capacity both in the topsoil and subsoil, (4) improving cross‐scale understanding of processes and mitigation measures and proper follow‐up of applied mitigation measures, and (5) increasing collaborations of researchers with farmers and farmers’ advisory groups and watershed groups by developing high‐quality educational courses and extension materials. The needs should be addressed in the context of the challenges and opportunities created by climate change.


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