1. Hybrid Solar Cells Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences P.O. Box 541, Tampere University Tampere FI‐33014 Finland
2. Department of Chemical Sciences University of Naples Federico II Comp. Univ. Monte Sant'Angelo Naples 80126 Italy
3. Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku Yliopistonmäki (Vesilinnantie 5), Natura University of Turku Turku 20014 Finland
4. Chemistry and Advanced Materials Unit of Materials Science and Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Tampere University P.O. Box 541 Tampere 33014 Finland
5. Surface Science Group Photonics Laboratory Tampere University P.O. Box 692, Tampere University Tampere FI‐33014 Finland
6. Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Tampere University P.O. Box 692 Tampere FI‐33014 Finland
7. Department of Physics “Ettore Pancini” University of Naples Federico II Comp. Univ. Monte Sant'Angelo Naples 80126 Italy