A Unifying Perspective of Common Motifs That Occur across Disparate Classes of Materials Harboring Displacive Phase Transitions


Grünebohm Anna1,Hütten Andreas2,Böhmer Anna E.34,Frenzel Jan5,Eremin Ilya3,Drautz Ralf1,Ennen Inga2,Caron Luana2,Kuschel Timo2,Lechermann Frank3,Anselmetti Dario2,Dahm Thomas2,Weber Frank4,Rossnagel Kai67,Schierning Gabi289ORCID


1. Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS) and Center for Interface‐Dominated High Performance Materials (ZGH) Ruhr‐University Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 44801 Bochum Germany

2. Department of Physics Bielefeld University Universitätsstr. 25 33615 Bielefeld Germany

3. Faculty of Physics and Astronomy Ruhr‐University Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 44801 Bochum Germany

4. Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 76021 Karlsruhe Germany

5. Institute for Materials Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ruhr‐University Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 44801 Bochum Germany

6. Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik Christian‐Albrechts‐Universität zu Kiel 24098 Kiel Germany

7. Ruprecht Haensel‐Labor Deutsches Elektronen‐Synchrotron DESY 22607 Hamburg Germany

8. Research Center Future Energy Materials and System (RC FEMS) Research Alliance Ruhr University of Duisburg‐Essen 47057 Duisburg Germany

9. Center for Nanointegration Duisburg‐Essen (CENIDE) University of Duisburg‐Essen 47057 Duisburg Germany


AbstractSeveral classes of materials manifest displacive phase transitions, including shape memory alloys, many electronically correlated materials, superconductors, and ferroelectrics. Each of these classes of materials displays a wide range of fascinating properties and functionalities that are studied in disparate communities. However, these materials’ classes share similar electronic and phononic instabilities in conjunction with microstructural features. Specifically, the common motifs include twinned microstructures, anomalies in the transport behavior, softening of specific phonons, and frequently also (giant) Kohn anomalies, soft phonons, and/or nesting of the Fermi surface. These effects, phenomena, and their applications have until now been discussed in separate communities, which is a missed opportunity. In this perspective a unified framework is presented to understand these materials, by identifying similarities, defining a unified phenomenological description of displacive phase transitions and the associated order parameters, and introducing the main symmetry‐breaking mechanisms. This unified framework aims to bring together experimental and theoretical know‐how and methodologies across disciplines to enable unraveling hitherto missing important mechanistic understanding about the phase transitions in (magnetic) shape memory alloys, superconductors and correlated materials, and ferroelectrics. Connecting structural and electronic phenomena and microstructure to functional properties may offer so‐far unknown pathways to innovate applications based on these materials.




General Materials Science,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment








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