1. Center for Cooperative Research on Alternative Energies (CIC energiGUNE) Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA) Alava Technology Park, Albert Einstein 48 Vitoria‐Gasteiz 01510 Spain
2. Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) Barrio Sarriena s/n Leioa 48940 Spain
3. Ikerbasque Basque Foundation for Science María Díaz de Haro 3 Bilbao 48013 Spain
AbstractThis perspective points out the potential of solid‐state Na‐air/O2 batteries for powering next‐generation storage devices, highlighting their high energy density, efficiency, and cost‐effectiveness. The challenges faced by Na‐air/O2 batteries, including liquid electrolyte instability, O2/O2− crossover, Na anode passivation, and dendritic growth are addressed. Strategies such as exploring solid‐state electrolytes (SSE), mitigating O2/O2− crossover, protecting the Na anode, and enhancing the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) are discussed as potential solutions. Future challenges in advancing the technology are reviewed, emphasizing the need for addressing and understanding the fundamental mechanisms of (quasi)solid‐state Na‐air/O2 batteries (i.e., discharge product chemistry, dendritic growth, O2 crossover, the electrolyte properties, the stabilization of battery chemistry and Na+ transport). A roadmap outlining future directions is presented to overcome these challenges, with the goal of fully harnessing the potential of Na‐air/O2 batteries as a viable option for renewable energy and industrial‐scale commercialization.
HORIZON EUROPE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
Hezkuntza, Hizkuntza Politika Eta Kultura Saila, Eusko Jaurlaritza
Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation