1. ICGM Université de Montpellier CNRS Montpellier 34293 France
2. Molecular Electrochemistry for Energy Laboratory School of Energy Science and Engineering Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC) Rayong 21210 Thailand
3. Institute for Advanced Study Chengdu University Chengdu 610106 China
4. Nantes Université CNRS Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel IMN 2 rue de la Houssinière BP32229 Nantes cedex 3 44322 France
5. Réseau sur le Stockage Electrochimique de l'Energie (RS2E) CNRS FR 3459, 33 rue Saint Leu Amiens Cedex 80039 France
AbstractElectrochemical energy storage devices are built upon the foudations of batteries and supercapacitors. In the past decade, new pseudocapacitor‐like electrodes are intensively developed to obtain superior energy storage performance. Pseudocapacitive matarials store charge through Faradaic processes, while the electrochemical signal remains like electrochemical double‐layer capacitors (EDLCs). To address this controversy, an analytical model is introduced for evaluating the voltammograms of electrode materials. Given this, the work focuses on understanding the origin of the pseudocapacitive phenomena in the cyclic voltammetry (CV) electrochemical signal. Based on electron transfer mechanism and tunnelling effect within the atomic structure, pseudocapacitive matarials possess a high electron delocalization possibility related to the redox centers number and initiates the electrochemical potential distribution among neighboring redox sites, which is consequently observed in the electrochemical signal as the plateau feature in CV, like EDLC. First, the determination of the capacitive tendency of various electrode materials is proposed, which turns out to be relative to the redox centers number (n) and total charge (Z). Here, when this number is large, electron hopping will very likely happen. The developed model is versatile to predict rate/potential regimes for the maximum faradaic storage, and then well differentiates the pseudocapacitive and battery materials.
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