1. MEET Battery Research Center Institute of Physical Chemistry University of Münster Corrensstr. 46 48149 Münster Germany
2. International Graduate School for Battery Chemistry Characterization Analysis Recycling and Application (BACCARA) University of Münster Corrensstr. 40 48149 Münster Germany
3. Institute of Materials Physics University of Münster Wilhelm‐Klemm‐Str. 10 48149 Münster Germany
4. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Laboratory for Electron Microscopy (LEM) Engesserstr. 7 76131 Karlsruhe Germany
5. Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry University of Münster Corrensstr. 28/30 48149 Münster Germany
6. Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 76021 Karlsruhe Germany
7. Karlsruhe Nano and Micro Facility (KNMFi) KIT Hermann‐von‐Helmholtz‐Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein‐Leopoldshafen Germany
8. Helmholtz‐Institute Münster IEK‐12, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Corrensstr. 46 48149 Münster Germany