1. Occupational hearing loss in Washington state, 1984-1991: I. statewide and industry-specific incidence
2. Occupational hearing loss in Washington state, 1984-1991: II. morbidity and associated costs
3. DLI (Washington Department of Labor and Industries) Industrial Insurance Division. 1997. Classification Code Manual: Schedule Grouping. Olympia, WA.
4. DLI (Washington Department of Labor and Industries) Industrial Insurance Division. 2000. Medical Examiners' Handbook. Olympia, WA. p 67-70.
5. DLI (Washington Department of Labor and Industries) Office of Public Affairs. 2001. State investigation leads to organized crime charges? in L&I News. Olympia, WA: DLI (http://www.wa.gov/lni/news/2001/pr010117a.htm).