1. Wageningen Environmental Research Wageningen the Netherlands
2. Overseas Development Institute (ODI) London UK
3. GEAU Unit, INRAEUniv Montpellier Montpellier France
4. University Montpellier Montpellier France
5. IRSTEA, UMR G‐Eau Montpellier France
6. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Pretoria South Africa
7. Mailman School of Public Health, Socio‐medical SciencesColumbia University New York USA
8. Institut National de Recherches en Genie Rural, Eaux et Forets Tunis Tunisia
9. ONG Nyeta Conseils Niono Mali
10. CSIC‐CEBAS Murcia Spain
11. AgroCares Wageningen the Netherlands
12. University of Zambia (UNZA) Lusaka Zambia
13. Stellenbosch University Water Institute (SUWI) Stellenbosch South Africa
14. Institut d'Economie Rurale Bamako Mali
15. LISODE Montpellier France
16. CIRAD, UR Green Montpellier France
17. Centre de coopération international en recherche Agronomique pour le développement (Cirad), UMR G‐Eau Montpellier France
18. German International Cooperation Addis Ababa
19. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Maputo Mozambique
20. Mekelle University Mekelle Ethiopia
21. AgriSciencesStellenbosch University Stellenbosch South Africa
22. adelphi Berlin Germany
23. University of Sheffield Sheffield UK
24. Deltares Delft the Netherlands
25. Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT) Murcia Spain
26. International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Colombo Sri Lanka
27. IHE Delft Institute for Water Education Delft the Netherlands