1. Job Performance Aids: Research and Technology State-of-the-Art. Navy Personnel Research and Development Center TR78-26: San Diego, California, July 1978.
2. ; ; & Guidance and Specification for the Preparation of Fully Proceduralized Job Aids for Organizational and Intermediate Maintenance of Electronic Subsystems. Air Force Human Resources Laboratory TR 71–23: Air Force Systems Command, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, 1971.
3. Job Performance Aids Research, Summary and Recommendations. Air Force Human Resources Laboratory: Air Force System Command, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, April 1969.
4. et al. Fully Proceduralized Job Performance Aids, Volume 1. Draft Military Specification for Organizational and Intermediate Maintenance. Air Force Human Resources Laboratory 40–775 702: National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, December 1973.
5. Improving DOD Maintenance through Better Performance Aids. Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense DAHC 15 70 C 0257; National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, March 1973.