1. Life cycle assessment of polyols for polyurethane production using CO2 as feedstock: insights from an industrial case study
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3. CO2 Project Production line at Dormagen site under construction 2016 http://www.covestro.de/en/Projects-and-Cooperations/CO2-Project
4. Sunfire now produces synthetic fuel from air water and green electrical energy 2015 http://www.sunfire.de/en/company/press?file=files/sunfire/images/content/company/press/archive/2015_Apr_Sunfire now produces synthetic fuel from air.pdf
5. Implications of the Reuse of Captured CO 2 for European Climate Action Policies Final report 2013 https://www.scotproject.org/sites/default/files/Carbon Count, Ecofys (2013) Implications of the reuse of captured CO2 - report.pdf