1. School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences King's College London London UK
2. Escuela de Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago Chile
3. Millenium Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering iHEALTH Santiago Chile
PurposeDevelop a novel approach for accelerated 2D free‐breathing myocardial perfusion via low‐rank motion‐corrected (LRMC) reconstructions.MethodsMyocardial perfusion imaging requires high spatial and temporal resolution, despite scan time constraints. Here, we incorporate LRMC models into the reconstruction‐encoding operator, together with high‐dimensionality patch‐based regularization, to produce high quality, motion‐corrected myocardial perfusion series from free‐breathing acquisitions. The proposed framework estimates beat‐to‐beat nonrigid respiratory (and any other incidental) motion and the dynamic contrast subspace from the actual acquired data, which are then incorporated into the proposed LRMC reconstruction. LRMC was compared with iterative SENSitivity Encoding (SENSE) (itSENSE) and low‐rank plus sparse (LpS) reconstruction in 10 patients based on image‐quality scoring and ranking by two clinical expert readers.ResultsLRMC achieved significantly improved results relative to itSENSE and LpS in terms of image sharpness, temporal coefficient of variation, and expert reader evaluation. Left ventricle image sharpness was approximately 75%, 79%, and 86% for itSENSE, LpS and LRMC, respectively, indicating improved image sharpness for the proposed approach. Corresponding temporal coefficient of variation results were 23%, 11% and 7%, demonstrating improved temporal fidelity of the perfusion signal with the proposed LRMC. Corresponding clinical expert reader scores (1–5, from poor to excellent image quality) were 3.3, 3.9 and 4.9, demonstrating improved image quality with the proposed LRMC, in agreement with the automated metrics.ConclusionLRMC produces motion‐corrected myocardial perfusion in free‐breathing acquisitions with substantially improved image quality when compared with iterative SENSE and LpS reconstructions.
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust/Institute of Cancer Research
British Heart Foundation
Department of Health
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King's College London
Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging
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2 articles.