1. Department of Life Sciences; Natural History Museum; Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD U.K
2. United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre; 219 Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0DL U.K
3. Computational Ecology and Environmental Science; Microsoft Research; 21 Station Road Cambridge CB1 2FB U.K
4. Imperial College London; Silwood Park Campus Buckhurst Road Ascot SL5 7PY U.K
5. Frankfurt Zoological Society; Africa Regional Office; PO Box 14935 Arusha Tanzania
6. School of Life Sciences; University of Sussex; Brighton BN1 9QG U.K
7. Center for Macroecology, Climate and Evolution; the Natural History Museum of Denmark; Universitetsparken 15 2100 Copenhagen Denmark
8. School of Biological and Ecological Sciences; University of Stirling; Bridge of Allan Stirling FK9 4LA U.K
9. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences; University of Sheffield; Alfred Denny Building Western Bank Sheffield S10 2TN U.K
10. School of Biological Sciences; Queen's University Belfast; 97 Lisburn Road Belfast BT9 7BL U.K
11. Evolutionary Ecology Group; University of Antwerp; Groenenborgerlaan 171 2020 Antwerp Belgium
12. Nees Institute for Plant Biodiversity; University of Bonn; Meckenheimer Allee 170 53113 Bonn Germany
13. Department of Wildlife and Range Management; FRNR, CANR, KNUST; Kumasi Ghana
14. SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana; Box KS 15924 Adum-Kumasi Ghana
15. Escuela de Biología; Universidad de Costa Rica; 2060 San José Costa Rica
16. CONICET, Lab. INIBIOMA (Universidad Nacional del Comahue-CONICET); Pasaje Gutierrez 1125 8400 Bariloche Rio Negro Argentina
17. HUTAN - Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme; PO Box 17793 88874 Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia
18. Museo de Zoología, Facultad de Ciencias; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; México D.F Mexico
19. Colección de Tejidos; Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt; Km 17 Cali-Palmira Valle del Cauca Colombia
20. Department of Biology; Universidad del Valle; Calle 13 #100-00 Cali Colombia
21. Biodiversity Unit, Institute of Bioscience; Universiti Putra Malaysia; 43400 Serdang Selangor Malaysia
22. Faculty of Forestry; Universiti Putra Malaysia; 43400 Serdang Selangor Malaysia
23. Laboratorio de Genética de la Conservación; Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable; Montevideo Uruguay
24. Department of Forest and Water Management; Forest & Nature Lab; Ghent University; Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267 9090 Gontrode Belgium
25. Terrestrial Ecology Unit; Department of Biology; Ghent University; K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35 9000 Gent Belgium
26. MTA Centre for Ecological Research; Alkotmány u. 2-4 2163 Vácrátót Hungary
27. University of Washington; 1900 Commerce Street Tacoma Washington 98402 U.K
28. Lancaster Environment Centre; Lancaster University; Lancaster LA1 4YQ U.K
29. MCT/Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi; Belém Pará Brazil
30. Agroecology; Georg-August University; Grisebachstrasse 6 37077 Göttingen Germany
31. University of Birmingham; Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT U.K
32. Department of Biological Sciences; University of Alberta; CW 405 - Biological Sciences Centre Edmonton AB T6G 2E9 Canada
33. EDP Biodiversity Chair; CIBIO/InBio, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos; Universidade do Porto; Campus Agrário de Vairão 4485-601 Vairão Portugal
34. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; The Swedish Biodiversity Centre; SE 750 07 Uppsala Sweden
35. University of Edinburgh; School of GeoSciences; Crew Building King's Buildings West Mains Road Edinburgh EH9 3JN U.K
36. Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE); School of Anthropology and Conservation; University of Kent; Canterbury CT2 7NR U.K
37. Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development; 77 High Street Georgetown Guyana
38. Department of Animal Ecology; Philipps-University Marburg; Karl-von-Frisch Strasse 8 35032 Marburg Germany
39. Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F); Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; Senckenberganlage 25 60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany
40. Institute for Ecology, Evolution & Diversity; Biologicum; Goethe University Frankfurt; Max von Laue St. 13 D 60439 Frankfurt am Main Germany
41. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre; Utrecht The Netherlands
42. Environment Canada, Science & Technology Branch; Carleton University; 1125 Colonel By Drive Raven Road Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 Canada
43. Unité Mixte de Recherche Contrôle des Maladies Animales Exotiques et Emergentes; Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD); 34398 Montpellier France
44. Unité Mixte de Recherche 1309 Contrôle des Maladies Animales Exotiques et Emergentes; Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA); 34398 Montpellier France
45. School of Science and the Environment; Manchester Metropolitan University; Chester Street Manchester M1 5GD U.K
46. University of Évora - ICAAMA, Apartado 94; 7002-554 Évora Portugal
47. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Box 49 230 53 Alnarp Sweden
48. Department of Entomology; Purdue University; 901 W. State Street West Lafayette 47907 Indiana Portugal
49. Centro de Ecologia Funcional; Departamento de Ciências da Vida; Universidade de Coimbra; Calçada Martim de Freitas 3000-456 Coimbra Portugal
50. Escritório Central do LBA; Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia; Av. André Araújo, 2936, Campus II, Aleixo CEP 69060-001 Manaus AM Brazil
51. Department of Botany; School of Natural Sciences; Trinity College Dublin; College Green Dublin 2 Ireland
52. Departamento de Zoologia; Instituto de Biociências; Universidade de São Paulo; São Paulo SP 05508-090 Brazil
53. Department of Ecology and Animal Biology; Faculty of Sciences; University of Vigo; 36310 Vigo Spain
54. Department of Entomology; University of Illinois; Urbana Illinois 61801 Brazil
55. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo; Av. Nazaré 481 04263-000 São Paulo SP Brazil
56. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia; Av. André Araújo, 2.936, Petrópolis CEP 69067-375 Manaus AM Brazil
57. Centre for Functional Ecology; Department of Life Sciences; University of Coimbra; Calçada Martim de Freitas 3000-456 Coimbra Portugal
58. Instituto de Biotecnologia y Ecologia Aplicada (INBIOTECA); Universidad Veracruzana; Av. de las Culturas Veracruzanas, 101, Col. Emiliano Zapata CP 91090 Xalapa Veracruz Mexico
59. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE); Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center; 7170 Cartago Turrialba, 30501 Costa Rica
60. Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems; Faculty of Agronomy; University of Buenos Aires; Av. San Martín 4453 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina C.P. 1417 Argentina
61. Normandie Univ.; EA 1293 ECODIV-Rouen; SFR SCALE, UFR Sciences et Techniques; 76821 Mont Saint Aignan Cedex France
62. University of Aberdeen; Aberdeen AB24 2TZ U.K
63. Department of Biology; CESAM; Universidade de Aveiro; Campus Universitário de Santiago 3810-193 Aveiro Portugal
64. Sustainability Research Institute; University of East London; 4-6 University Way London E16 2RD U.K
65. Department of Biology; University of Naples “Federico II”; Naples Italy
66. Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Florianópolis Santa Catarina CEP 88040-900 Brazil
67. British Trust for Ornithology; University of Stirling; Stirling FK9 4LA U.K
68. Thünen Institute of Biodiversity; Bundesallee 50 38116 Braunschweig Germany
69. CNRS, Écologie des Forêts de Guyane (UMR-CNRS 8172); BP 316 97379 Kourou cedex France
70. Université de Toulouse; UPS, INP, Laboratoire Écologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement (Ecolab); 118 route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse France
71. Department of Landscape Ecology; Institute for Nature and Resource Conservation; Kiel University; Olshausenstrasse 75 24098 Kiel Germany
72. Department of Biology; Nature Conservation; University Marburg; Marburg Germany
73. Institute of Integrative Biology; ETH Zurich Switzerland
74. Programa de Biología; Universidad del Atlántico Km; 7 vía Puerto Colombia Atlántico Colombia
75. Biometry and Environmental System Analysis; University of Freiburg; Tennenbacher Strasse 4 79106 Freiburg Germany
76. INRA, UMR1213 Herbivores; 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle France
77. Institute of Zoology; Zoological Society of London; Nuffield Building Regents Park London, NW1 4RY U.K
78. Department of Ecology and Environmental Science; Umeå University; 901 87 Umeå Sweden
79. Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; 901 83 Umeå Sweden
80. MTA-ELTE-MTM Ecology Research Group; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, c/o Biological Institute; Eötvös Lóránd University; Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C. 1117 Budapest Hungary
81. University of Koblenz-Landau; Institute for Environmental Sciences; Fortstr. 7 76829 Landau Germany
82. Department of Ecology - Conservation Ecology; Faculty of Biology; Philipps-Universität Marburg; Karl-von-Frisch-Street 8 35032 Marburg Germany
83. Faculty of Science; University of South Bohemia and Institute of Entomology; Biology Centre of Academy of Sciences Czech Republic; Branišovská 31 370 05 České Budějovice Czech Republic
84. Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation; Universiti Malaysia Sabah; 88999 Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia
85. Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie; Università di Pisa; Viale delle Piagge, n°2 56124 Pisa Italy
86. The Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre; The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; PO Box 49 23453 Alnarp Sweden
87. Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine (LECA); Université Grenoble Alpes; F-38000 Grenoble France
88. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal; Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Recife PE 50670-901 Brazil
89. Department of Plant Sciences; University of California; Davis California 95616 Canada
90. Department of Natural Resource Sciences; Thompson Rivers University; 900 McGill Road Kamloops BC V2C 0C8 Canada
91. IDEA Consultants Inc; Okinawa Branch Office Aja 2-6-19 Naha Okinawa 900-0003 Japan
92. Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH; Königsallee 9 - 21 37081 Göttingen Germany
93. University of Hamburg; Biocentre Grindel; Martin-Luther-King Platz 3 20146 Hamburg Germany
94. Seed Consulting Services; 106 Gilles Street Adelaide 5000 SA Australia
95. School of Geography; Planning and Environmental Management; The University of Queensland; St Lucia 4072 Qld Australia
96. Ecologia Aplicada/Applied Ecology; Universidade Sagrado Coração (USC); Rua Irmã Arminda, 10-50 Jardim Brasil Bauru São Paulo Brazil
97. DISTAV; University of Genova; Corso Dogali 1M 16136 Genova Italy
98. Dipartimento di Biologia; Università di Napoli Federico II; Campus Monte S. Angelo Via Cinthia 4 80126 Napoli Italy
99. Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel); PO Box 354 CEP 96010-900 Pelotas RS Brazil
100. Astron Environmental Services; 129 Royal Street East Perth WA 6004 Australia
101. Department of Environment and Agriculture; Curtin University; Kent Street Bentley WA 6102 Australia
102. Mount Holyoke College; Department of Biological Sciences; South Hadley Massachusetts 01075 U.K
103. School of Biological Science; University of Plymouth; Drake's Circus Plymouth PL4 8AA U.K
104. 351 False Bay Drive Friday Harbor Washington 98250 Malaysia
105. International University of Malaya-Wales; Jalan Tun Ismail 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
106. Coordenação de Botânica; Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi; Caixa Postal 399 CEP 66040-170 Belém Pará Brazil
107. School of Environmental Sciences; University of East Anglia; Norwich Research Park Norwich NR4 7TJ U.K
108. Natural Resources Canada; Canadian Forest Service; Laurentian Forestry Centre; 1055 du P.E.P.S. PO Box 10380 Québec QC G1V 4C7 Canada
109. Animal & Environmental Research Group; Department of Life Sciences; Anglia Ruskin University; East Road Cambridge CB1 1PT U.K
110. University of Tromsø; Department of Arctic and Marine Biology; 9037 Tromsø Norway
111. Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana; Apdo. Postal 8050 Puerto Ordaz 8015 Estado Bolívar Venezuela
112. Agroscope; Reckenholzstr. 191 8046 Zurich Switzerland
113. Corporación Sentido Natural; Carrera 70H No. 122 - 98 Apartamento 101 Bogotá Colombia
114. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal; Tecnológico de Costa Rica; Apartado 159-7050 Cartago Costa Rica
115. Asociación para la Conservación y el Estudio de la Biodiversidad (ACEBIO); Casa 15, Barrio Los Abogados Zapote San José Costa Rica
116. International Rice Research Institute; DAPO Box 7777 Metro Manila The Philippines
117. University of Debrecen; Department of Ecology; PO Box 71 4010 Debrecen Hungary
118. Department of Ecology; Environment and Plant Sciences; Stockholm University; 106 91 Stockholm Sweden
119. Instituto de Investigaciones y Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt; Bogotá Colombia
120. Hiroshima University; Graduate School of Education; 1-1-1, Kagamiyama Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8524 Japan
121. Scarab Research Group; University of Pretoria; Pretoria South Africa
122. Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; A.P. 27-3 Santa María de Guido Morelia Michoacán, México C.P. 58090 Mexico
123. Department of Animal Ecology; Justus-Liebig University; Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32 35392 Giessen Germany
124. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Ecology; Box 7044 750 07 Uppsala Sweden
125. Yukon Department of Environment; P.O. Box 2703 Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 Canada
126. Nature Conservation Foundation; Mysore India
127. Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Management; University of Patras; Seferi 2 30100 Agrinio Greece
128. Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science (TESS) and School of Marine and Tropical Biology; James Cook University; Cairns Qld Australia
129. School of Science and Technology; Pacific Adventist University; Port Moresby Papua New Guinea
130. Institute of Systematic Botany; University of Zurich; Zollikerstrasse 107 8008 Zurich Switzerland
131. Institute of Ecology and Evolution; University of Bern; Baltzerstrasse 6 3012 Bern Switzerland
132. Institute of Ecology; University of Bremen; FB2, Leobener Str. 28359 Bremen Germany
133. MTA-ELTE-MTM Ecology Research Group; Pázmány Péter s. 1/c Budapest 1117 Hungary Germany
134. Field Station Fabrikschleichach, Biocenter; University of Würzburg; Glasshüttenstr. 5 96181 Rauhenebrach Germany
135. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest; Snow and Landscape Research WSL; Zürcherstrasse 11 8903 Birmensdorf Switzerland
136. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; EEA Bariloche 8400 Bariloche Argentina
137. INRA, UR 406 Abeilles et Environnement; F-84914 Avignon France
138. Department of Biology; San Francisco State University; 1600 Holloway Ave San Francisco California 94132
139. Laboratoire de diagnostic en phytoprotection; Ministère de l'agriculture, des pêcheries et de l'alimentation du Québec; 2700 rue Einstein QC G1P 3W8 Canada
140. Purchase College (State University of New York); 735 Anderson Hill Road Purchase New York 10577 U.K
141. The James Hutton Institute; Craigiebuckler Aberdeen, AB15 8QH U.K
142. Universidad de Antioquia; Calle 67 No. 53 - 108 Medellín Colombia
143. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA); P.O. Box 950764 Amman 11195 Jordan
144. Aarhus University; Department of Agroecology; Flakkebjerg Research Centre; Forsøgsvej 1 4200 Slagelse Denmark
145. Castilla La Mancha University; School of Advanced Agricultural Engineering; Department of Agroforestry Technology and Science and Genetics; Campus Universitario s/n C.P. 02071 Albacete Spain
146. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit; Unidad Académica de Turismo; Coordinación de Investigación y Posgrado; Ciudad de la Cultura Amado Nervo s/n C.P. 63155 Tepic Nayarit Mexico
147. Graduate School of Agricultural Science; Kobe University; Kobe 657-8501 Japan
148. Hortobágy National Park Directorate, 4002 Debrecen P.O.Box 216 Hungary
149. Fauna & Flora International Philippines; #8 Foggy Heights Subdivision San Jose Tagaytay City 4120 Philippines
150. De La Salle University-Dasmariñas; West Ave Dasmariñas 4115 Philippines
151. Department of Geography; University of Wisconsin-Madison; 550 North Park Street Madison Wisconsin 53706 U.K
152. Marshall Agroecology Ltd, 2; Nut Tree Cottages Barton Winscombe, BS25 1DU U.K
153. Escuela de Posgrados; Facultad de Agronomía; Doctorado en Agroecología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Cra 30 No. 45-03, Ciudad Universitaria; Bogotá Colombia
154. The University of Queensland; School of Biological Sciences; Brisbane Qld 4120 Australia
155. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Ecology; Grimsö Wildlife Research Station 730 91 Riddarhyttan Sweden
156. Rainforest Alliance; 233 Broadway 28th Floor New York City New York 10279 Kenya
157. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences; N-407 Turner Hall, MC-047 1102 South Goodwin Ave. Urbana Illinois 61801 Kenya
158. National Museums of Kenya; Botany Department; P.O. Box 40658 00100 Nairobi Kenya
159. Department of Zoology; National Museums of Kenya; P.O. Box 40658 00100 Nairobi Kenya
160. WWF; 1250 24th Street NW Washington District of Columbia 20037 China
161. Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology; Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden; CAS, Menglun Mengla Yunnan 666303 China
162. Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute; Matsunosato 1 Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8687 Japan
163. Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Abejas; Departamento de Biología; Facultad de Ciencias; Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Sede Bogotá Colombia
164. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur; Carretera Panamericana y Periférico; Sur S/N. 29290 Chiapas Mexico
165. Department of Biosciences and Department of Environmental Sciences; Urban Ecology Research Group; University of Helsinki; Viikinkaari 2a P.O. Box 65 FI-00014 Helsinki Finland
166. School of Biology; The University of Nottingham; University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD U.K
167. Laboratorio de Zoología y Ecología Acuática - LAZOEA; Universidad de Los Andes; Bogotá Colombia
168. BIO-Diverse; Ließemer Str. 32 a 53179 Bonn Germany
169. Oxford University Centre for the Environment; University of Oxford; South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY U.K
170. Department of Wildlife and Range Management; Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology; Kumasi Ghana
171. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana; Kumasi Ghana
172. Department of Animal & Environmental Biology; University of Benin; Benin City Nigeria
173. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB); The Lodge; Sandy Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL U.K
174. Laboratorio Ecotono, CONICET-INIBIOMA; Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Quintral 1250 Bariloche 8400 Argentina
175. Departamento de Biologia; Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto; Universidade de São Paulo; Avenida. Bandeirantes 3900 - CEP 14040-901 - Bairro Monte Alegre Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil
176. Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Abejas-LABUN; Departamento de Biología; Facultad de Ciencias; Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Carrera 45 N° 26-85, Edificio Uriel Gutiérrez Bogotá DC Colombia Argentina
177. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal (CONICET-UNC) and Centro de Zoología Aplicada (UNC); Rondeau 798 X5000AVP Córdoba Argentina
178. School of Environmental Sciences; University of East Anglia; Norwich NR4 7TJ U.K
179. Lund University; Department of Biology/Biodiversity; Ecology Building 223 62 Lund Sweden
180. Laboratory of Biogeography & Ecology; Department of Geography; University of the Aegean; 81100 Mytilene Greece
181. Department of Zoology; University of Cambridge; Cambridge CB2 3EJ U.K
182. Department of Biology; Western Kentucky University; 1906 College Heights Blvd. Bowling Green Kentucky 42101 Ireland
183. Entomology; Cornell University; 4126 Comstock Hall Ithaca New York 14850 Ireland
184. School of Natural Sciences; Trinity College Dublin; College Green Dublin 2 Ireland
185. Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering & Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Connecticut; 3107 Horsebarn Hill Road Storrs Connecticut 06269-4210 Portugal
186. IN+, Instituto Superior Técnico; Universidade de Lisboa; Av. Rovisco Pais 1 1049-001 Lisboa Portugal
187. CRA-ABP, Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura; Centro di ricerca per l'agrobiologia e la pedologia; Via Lanciola 12/A 50125 - Cascine del Riccio Firenze Italy
188. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB); 2 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DH U.K
189. Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society; Oregon State University; Corvallis Oregon 97331 Brazil
190. Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Cidade Universitária Prof. José Aloísio de Campos; Jardim Rosa Elze São Cristóvão Brazil
191. Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde; Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul; P.O Box 549 79070-900 Campo Grande Brazil
192. 165 Braid Road Edinburgh EH10 6JE U.K
193. Associate Scientist; Luquillo LTER; Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies; College of Natural Sciences; University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras; P.O. Box 70377 San Juan Puerto Rico 00936-8377 Argentina
194. PROPLAME-PRHIDEB-CONICET, Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental; Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Universidad de Buenos Aires; Ciudad Universitaria; PB II, 4to piso (CP1428EHA) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina
195. ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH; Böttgerstr. 2-14 65439 Flörsheim Germany
196. Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A.; Cl 222 No. 55-37 Bogotá Colombia
197. School of Biological and Chemical Sciences; Queen Mary University of London; Mile End Road London E3 5GN U.K
198. Department of Environmental Sciences; University of Virginia; Charlottesville Virginia 22904-4123 Canada
199. Blandy Experimental Farm; 400 Blandy Farm Lane Boyce Virginia 22620 Canada
200. Département des sciences biologiques; Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM); Case postale 8888, Succursale Centre-ville Montréal QC H3C 3P8 Canada
201. School of Geography; Earth and Environmental Sciences; University of Birmingham; Birmingham B15 2TT U.K
202. Institute of Silviculture and Forest Protection; University of West Hungary; Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4. 9400 Sopron, Hungary
203. Red de Ecología Funcional; Instituto de Ecología A.C. Carretera Antigua a Coatepec; N° 351 El Haya, CP 91070 Xalapa, Veracruz Mexico
204. Stockholm University; Department of Ecology; Environment and Plant Sciences; SE 106 91 Stockholm Sweden
205. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ; Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4 06120 Halle Germany
206. Lawrence University; 711 E. Boldt Way Appleton Wisconsin 54911 India
207. School of Human Ecology; Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University; Lothian Road Delhi 110006 India
208. Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management (INA); Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU); Box 5003 1432 Ås Norway
209. Center for International Forestry Research; Bogor 16000 Indonesia
210. Universidade Federal do Pará; Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Rua Augusto Correa, 01 Belém 66075-110 Pará Brazil
211. Department of Zoology; University of Oxford; South Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PS U.K
212. USDA - APHIS - PPQ; 389 Oyster Point Blvd. Suite 2 South San Francisco California 94080 Colombia Republic of Singapore
213. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Cra. 64 X Cll. 65. Bloque 11, Oficina 207 Medellin Colombia Republic of Singapore
214. Department of Biological Sciences; National University of Singapore; 14 Science Drive 4 Singapore City 117543 Republic of Singapore
215. EComAS (Grupo de Investigación en Ecología de Comunidades Áridas y Semiáridas); Dpto. de Recursos Naturales; Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; Santa Rosa Argentina
216. School of Natural Sciences and Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research; Trinity College Dublin; College Green Dublin 2 Ireland
217. Kadoorie Conservation China; Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden; Lam Kam Road, Tai Po New Territories Hong Kong SAR China
218. Department of Resource Management and Geography; The University of Melbourne; 500 Yarra Boulevard Richmond VIC 3121 Australia
219. Northwestern University Program in Plant Biology and Conservation; 2205 Tech Drive O.T. Hogan Hall Room 2-144 Evanston Illinois 60208 Hungary
220. Chicago Botanic Garden; 1000 Lake Cook Road Glencoe Illinois 60022 Hungary
221. MTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Group; Egyetem ter 1 Debrecen 4032 Hungary
222. University Museum of Zoology; Downing Street Cambridge CB2 3EJ U.K
223. University of Canterbury; Private bag 4800 Christchurch 8140 New Zealand
224. NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Bush Estate; Penicuik Edinburgh EH26 0QB U.K
225. Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research; Bulgarian Academy of Science; 23 Akademik Georgi Bonchev str. Block 23 1113 Sofia Bulgaria
226. Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Division Forest, Nature and Landscape; KU Leuven; Celestijnenlaan 200E 3001 Leuven Belgium
227. Departamento de Ciencias Químico-Biológicas; Universidad de las Américas Puebla; 72810 Cholula Puebla Mexico
228. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; Avenida Alameda Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 3363 Estación Central Santiago Chile
229. Spotvogellaan 68 2566 PN The Hague The Netherlands
230. Dillon Consulting Limited; 137 Chain Lake Drive Halifax NS B3S 1B3 Canada
231. The Key Laboratory of Conservation Biology for Endangered Wildlife of the Ministry of Education; College of Life Sciences; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou 310058 China
232. University of Florida; 3205 College Avenue Fort Lauderdale Florida 33314 Australia
233. The Environment Institute and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences; The University of Adelaide; SA 5005 Australia
234. Institute of Experimental Ecology; University of Ulm; Albert-Einstein-Allee 11 89069 Ulm Germany
235. Behavioural Ecology and Biocontrol; Department of Biology; National University of Ireland; Maynooth Co. Kildare Ireland
236. Center for Environmental Sciences & Engineering; University of Connecticut; 3107 Horsebarn Hill Road Storrs Connecticut 06269-4210 Australia
237. Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; University of Connecticut; 3107 Horsebarn Hill Road Storrs Connecticut 06269-4210 Australia
238. Charles Darwin University; 7 Ellengowan Dr Brinkin NT 0810 Australia
239. University of Amsterdam; Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED); P.O. Box 94248 1090 GE Amsterdam The Netherlands
240. NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Crowmarsh Gifford; Wallingford Oxfordshire OX10 8BB U.K
241. University of East Anglia; Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk, NR4 7TJ U.K
242. Kunming Institute of Zoology; Kunming Yunnan, 650023 China
243. Institute of Animal Ecology; Justus-Liebig-University; Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26 35392 Giessen Germany
244. A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution; Leninsky Prospekt 33 119071 Moscow Russia
245. Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research; Department of Genetics; Evolution and Environment; University College London; Gower Street London WC1E 6BT U.K