1. Department of Colorectal Surgerythe Six Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat‐sen University Guangzhou China
2. Clinical and Translational Epidemiology UnitMassachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston MA
3. Division of GastroenterologyMassachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston MA
4. Department of NutritionHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston MA
5. Channing Division of Network Medicine, Department of MedicineBrigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston MA
6. Department of Oncologic PathologyDana‐Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School Boston MA
7. Program in MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology, Department of PathologyBrigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston MA
8. Department of EpidemiologyHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston MA
9. Department of BiostatisticsHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston MA
10. Division of Public Health Sciences, Department of Surgery, Siteman Cancer CenterWashington University School of Medicine St. Louis MO
11. Yale Cancer Center New Haven CT
12. Department of Medical OncologyDana‐Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School Boston MA
13. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Cambridge MA
14. Department of Immunology and Infectious DiseasesHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston MA